You know those times you feel relaxed, calm, creative, inspired, how that generates an energy that seems to spring from nowhere? All of a sudden you have energy that runs through you that you almost can't stop from moving towards that inspiration or creativity.
That shift is frequency, your cells vibrating at a different resonance, and you naturally feel in alignment, like you’re on the right path again, more content, more fulfilled, more energised.
That’s frequency, how do we maintain this sense of balance? When you can align yourself with the frequency you prefer, by choice, you naturally begin attracting the things to you that help fulfill that frequency and pad it out like pieces of a puzzle you are completing. You don't know yet what the completion looks like, but you know each step gets you closer, and each step feels aligned and the journey is exciting, whilst also being frustrating at times and maddening at others, the vision and knowing the feeling of and holding the vibration of that vision is what will bring it forward.
Life throws us frustration & imbalances perpetually right? But it’s not about what lands on our path, it’s how we navigate through it. We don't know how its supposed to look, but like every puzzle and every piece, they all contribute, they all complete in some way as we work towards it. And while we navigate through the difficulties with patience, grace, compassion and love, we remain in that higher frequency, for as soon as we allow the frustration, road blocks and difficulty to lead our energy, we lose it, our vibration lowers, we begin entertaining failures, hardship and use that as our guide.
How we maintain our thoughts, how we take action, how we respond externally and internally is the absolute key to mastery, to higher consciousness, to ascension and higher dimensions.
Our frequency shifts with just one single thought. It can be raised or lowered, by what we entertain in our minds, this is why it’s so important to address our own healing. Reframing those thoughts, healing those core wounds, embracing the darknesses, recalibrating belief systems, overcoming the fears, stepping through the mud, allowing yourself love, forgiveness, and peace.

Our frequency shifts also by what we consume, or don’t consume, in food, in hydration, in the air, in our environment, are you consuming what lifts you up, in nature, in the activities of life?
Our frequency shifts by what surrounds us, can we have the empathy needed for forgiveness, for acceptance, without wishing it all away.
Can we be authentically in our truth, not fearful or anxious, but aligned with our highest affinity. This is healing. Just by expressing our truth, just by being unapologetically aligned with our highest authentic truth is incredibly healing, and transformative to our frequency.
When your nervous system is relaxed, calm, and feeling poised, there is scope for great transformation that otherwise might feel impossible. This is why its so important to foster tools and techniques for calming your mind and body each day, setting your bodies biorhythm back into homeostasis so that healing can occur. For without this is it remains in stress mode of fight or flight and healing and restoration is delayed or worse still avoided.
Sound Healing is regenerating to our nervous systems, combined with setting intentions and healing muddy stuck points, it contributes to the recalibration needed for not only healing, but thriving.